Cultek - eventos, noticias y promociones

  1. Catálogo Cultek

    Catálogo Cultek

  2. 27 de Marzo - Seminario online:

    27 de Marzo - Seminario online:

  3. Endotoxin Day

    Endotoxin Day

  4. Acuerdo con Horizon

    Acuerdo con Horizon



  6. Bienvenido a nuestra nueva web

    Bienvenido a nuestra nueva web

  7. Seminario ON LINE: 3D Image-Based Characterization of 3D Cell Culture Models Generated Using Spheroids Microplates

    Seminario ON LINE: 3D Image-Based Characterization of 3D Cell Culture Models Generated Using Spheroids Microplates

  8. Seminario ON LINE: CRISPR-Cas9 for knockout, knock-in and gene activation

    Seminario ON LINE: CRISPR-Cas9 for knockout, knock-in and gene activation

  9. Seminario ON LINE:  Oxygen Sensing in Cancer and Metabolism

    Seminario ON LINE: Oxygen Sensing in Cancer and Metabolism

  10. Seminario ON LINE: Implementing Methyl-Seq for disease association studies

    Seminario ON LINE: Implementing Methyl-Seq for disease association studies

  11. Webinar: Generation and Analysis of Complex Tissue Models using the RAFT™ 3D Cell Culture System

    Webinar: Generation and Analysis of Complex Tissue Models using the RAFT™ 3D Cell Culture System

  12. XXXIX Congreso de la SEBBM

    XXXIX Congreso de la SEBBM

  13. Webinar: Generation and Analysis of Complex Tissue Models using the RAFT™ 3D Cell Culture System

    Webinar: Generation and Analysis of Complex Tissue Models using the RAFT™ 3D Cell Culture System

  14. Seminario CRISPR-Cas9

    Seminario CRISPR-Cas9

Artículos 211 al 224 de 224 totales