How One NGS Core Lab Reduced Sequencing Costs with a Novel Library Normalization Kit


Sequencing workflows require library quantification and normalization to ensure data quality and reduce cost. Traditionally, prior to sequencing, next-generation sequencing library technicians and automation strategies have had to undertake numerous steps to quantify and normalize NGS libraries.

In this webinar, Tony BrooksSenior NGS Specialist at University College London Genomics, will discuss how his core facility implemented the Swift Normalase Kit, a novel enzymatic library normalization product that streamlines the cumbersome steps following NGS library preparation.

Compared to conventional normalization, Swift Normalase saves sequencing costs by reducing read depth variation within a pool from a typical CV of 10-25% to a CV <10%. With a simple bead-free, quantification-free, two-step workflow, Normalase enables bulk processing of samples and expedites library pooling and loading to save time and cost.

Tony will share how his lab used the Swift Normalase kit for RNAseq library normalization to improve his facility's sequencing workflow and to reduce cost.


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

9:00 am PT / 12:00 pm ET


Tony Brooks
Senior NGS Specialist
UCL Genomics
Mida Pezeshkian
Product Manager
Swift Biosciences