La empresa

Con sede en Silicon Valley, EEUU, Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) proporciona sofisticados sistemas de análisis genómico que brindan información muy valiosa para los científicos que se esfuerzan por resolver desafíos genéticos complejos.

Los innovadores instrumentos de la compañía se basan en la tecnología de secuenciación de una sola molécula en tiempo real (SMRT), que ofrece una visión completa de los genomas, transcriptomas y epigenomas, lo que permite el acceso al espectro completo de variación genética en cualquier organismo.  

Citado en miles de publicaciones, los sistemas de secuenciación PacBio están siendo utilizados por científicos de todo el mundo para impulsar el descubrimiento en la investigación biomédica humana, las ciencias vegetales y animales y la microbiología. El sistema PacBio Sequel II cuenta con ópticas de alto rendimiento, sistema automático de transferencia de líquidos y un sistema operativo intuitivo e inteligente.


Revio system by PacBio – reveal more with accurate long-read sequencing at scale

The Revio system delivers a 15× increase in HiFi read throughput. With a high-density, 25 million ZMW SMRT Cell, up to 4 SMRT Cells in parallel, and 24-hour run times, the Revio system delivers 360 Gb of HiFi reads per day, equivalent to 1,300 human whole genomes per year. With the Revio system, you can can achieve a complete, phased genome for $1,000.

Metagenome assembly and characterization of a pooled human fecal reference

Collectively, microorganisms represent one of the greatest biological forces on our planet — one that is both omnipotent and still largely unknown. To understand the multiplicity of influences that microbial communities have on everything from ecosystem function to human health, more sophisticated analytical tools are paramount.

Introducing a whole new PacBio

To pioneer the future through biology, you have to look beyond the status quo and see the whole picture. At PacBio, we are devoted to empowering your vision, by delivering trustworthy technologies and the highest accuracy data.

Sequel II System Overview - Sequence with Confidence

The PacBio Sequel II System provides all scientists with access to high throughput, cost effective, highly accurate long-read sequencing. Learn how the Sequel II System can help you be confident in your discoveries made possible with comprehensive views of genomes, transcriptomes, and epigenomes.

HiFi reads Help Scientists Explore Genomes and Transcriptomes

Highly accurate long reads, known as HiFi reads, are a new tool in scientists’ sequencing toolbox. Hear PacBio users share how they are using HiFi reads to explore the genomes, transcriptomes, metagenomes and the benefits HiFi reads provide for their addressing critical life science questions.

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